At EDC Erhverv, we have a dedicated research department that prepares customized analyses for both large institutional investors and smaller private investors. These analyses are tailored to specific needs to maximize value for the investor or other stakeholders. A customized analysis is often an essential part of the decision-making process, whether acquiring existing properties or considering the development of new buildings. For example, EDC’s customized analyses are frequently used in connection with local planning work, where it may be a requirement from the municipality that the local plan is based on a specific analysis of supply and demand in a given area.

We have access to the market’s most comprehensive property-specific data sources, including both publicly available data and internal data, which we meticulously process. We collaborate with JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle), ensuring you always have an up-to-date, international insight into the property market.

Are you looking to conduct comprehensive commercial due diligence for your upcoming property purchase?

Our specialized analysis is tailored to ensure you make informed decisions. By combining in-depth market knowledge with advanced analytical tools, we identify potential risks and opportunities associated with your investment. Our experienced team of experts provides detailed reports highlighting key financial, legal, and operational aspects, enabling you to act with confidence and clarity. Let us be your trusted partner in your property transaction. Contact us today to start your due diligence process.

Contact us

We help you achieve your goals

We are with you from start to finish

Whether you are looking to acquire a single property or a property portfolio, locally or nationally, EDC Poul Erik Bech’s research department has extensive experience in preparing detailed and in-depth analyses. These analyses can answer questions about the relationship between supply and demand, yield requirements, market rent, operating costs, and more, ensuring that you enter into a transaction on market-conform terms. In addition to quantitative inputs, the analyses are also based on qualitative inputs from EDC Poul Erik Bech’s extensive network of both commercial and residential agents.

EDC Erhverv Poul Erik Bech can assist in all stages of the due diligence phase, from the initial dialogue to the final transaction.


✔️ Review of population development, including current housing supply, future housing supply, and historical population growth

✔️ Analysis of achievable sales and rental levels, including references

✔️ Demand and supply indicators, including our knowledge of current and future development projects

✔️ Absorption analysis, with recommendations on housing types, sizes, and quantities, as well as an estimate of the population groups the development area will attract

✔️ Risk assessment

Joseph Alberti

Head of Research
Phone: +45 58587467
Mobile: +45 51150140